The Joy of Sun Salutations: Finding Alignment in Your Practice
When performed correctly, Sun Salutations; the foundational sequence for a lot of traditional yoga practices, can yield feelings of joy and aliveness. Some find that when these movements roll one into the next, they generate a vibrancy and helps with physical as well as mental stability. I cannot even begin to describe how lifting being able to poses join, breathe and flow all feels.
But any misalignment can break the flow. You can make yourself run as fast as you like, but even if it feels easy and powerful on your first stride the feeling will fade quickly with every step taken out of rhythm. These small differences in body position causes discomfort, lack of flexibility and makes the sequence uncomfortable.
Understanding Alignment
This perfect alignment will help you to get the maximum benefits in Sun Salutations. Every pose is a progression, and hence every move to another position should be conscious. Muscle tightness, old injuries or simply a lack of awareness can contribute to misalignments. These can turn what was once a delightful flow, into an intimidating ordeal.
How to Improve Alignment
- Observe Your Body: Know how body acts in each pose If you are not feeling aligned, this is the time to stop and reassess what feels off rather than just pushing through.
- Breath is really the most important part of yoga so you need to focus on it. For every round of Sun Salutation make sure to keep inhaling & exhaling deeply. This way your breath would be a moderator and you will stay mindful throughout the movement.
- Props will help: Do not be afraid to use straps, blocks if you need them. They will help support the biomechanics necessary to get into proper alignment, especially for beginners.
- Get Help: You are always watched over well by experienced set of eyes and there is no substitute for learning from real teachers, who may give you some adjustments about your practice that you should know.
- Consistency: Practice It makes perfect. The more you do it, the better sense of your body and its needs you gain and naturally get used to alignment over time.
Embrace the Journey
Yoga is a personal journey and all practitioners go through their share of highs and lows. Some days Sun Salutations will feel oh so good, and others they have totally kicked your butt. Resist the urge to rush, and recognize that everything enhances your journey towards becoming a better yogi.
If you approach them as learning experiences and celebrate the good days, well You will improve your overall practice of Sun Salutations by continuing to learn more about yourself in relation to both Surya Namaskar along with yoga. So, roll out your mat, take a deep breath and enjoy the magic that is you.