Understanding Tension in the Hips: A Path to Release
Even though they are intriguing, our hips were one of the first over-looked and major sources for two very important joints through-out your movement system/posture. But they can also be a breeding ground for all kinds of strains, physical and emotional.
The Nature of Hip Tension
There are many stressors we face in our day-to-day lives which manifest as tension accumulators for us. For most, this tension harms the hips. Tight hips can cause discomfort or even pain whether brought on by hours of sitting, inactivity or emotional tension.
Seasonal Stress and Its Effects
Also during the holidays and other time of business, I tend to notice this description by many "my hips have tighten up. Not only are the consumption levels of both food and alcohol at an all time high through out the holidays, but so is people's stress level. This tightening—many feel it as stiffness or even discomfort—is completely natural and absolutely to be expected.
Releasing Built-Up Tension
When you have pain in your hips, it is important that we take measures to be able to relax and let them go. There are stances you can take on and extends that will profit your hip joint in the meantime! These can help you reduce the tightness:
- Child Pose: Stretch that opens the spine and helps to release tension in the lower back & hips.
- Pigeon Pose: By far, the most hip opening of all poses on this list.
- Seated Forward Bend: focuses on opening your hips, while also calming the mind through forward folding.
- Stretch This: The Figure Four Stretch is ideal for the glutes and outer hip area to help loosen up those tight muscles.
- Lizard Pose — A powerful hip opener in a lunge style with engagement of the legs
- This comprehensive hip stretch post has 4 exercises, my favourite is the Butterfly Stretch because it's so relaxing for your hips (it opens them up) and simple to do.
- Hip Flexor Stretch: The hip flexors — the muscles that connect your legs to the front of your body — often become very shortened if you spend too much time in a chair.
While caring for your hips may not be the most exciting part of life it can transform how you feel physically and perhaps emotionally. The main re-take-away here being — listen to your body and respect its wishes. So make room for yourself to let go of that tightness and experience the freedom, openness & relaxation afterwards. Your hips will thank you!