Embracing the Complexity of Self
On the road of self-revelation, we quite often discover more than one side to us as beings. It is a beautiful thing to realize that we are not merely one type of person Rather, every person is a tapestry of colors weaved together with vibrance and dullness to even things that just don't quite match.
The Layers of Self
Each layer of our personality adds depth and richness to who we are. These layers can represent our experiences, beliefs, dreams, and even our contradictions. For instance, you might find yourself as both an introspective thinker and a lively conversationalist. This duality makes us more relatable and nuanced as individuals.
The Power of Acceptance
This can be a powerful acceptance of many levels. It gives us permission to be the entire spectrum of our humanity. Not a perfect, nothing figured out acceptance. Instead, it is about creating space for the connection while also recognizing that different emotions or beliefs might arise. And we do not have to be whole instead of complex.
Navigating Contradictions
It is perfectly common to feel out of sorts with your own writing. One voice may be screaming desire; a yearning for more — growth, expansion // an embodiment of who you are meant to be . Vs. comfort and security → the knowing within your bones that all is well right this moment as it is. We are full of contradictions but that is okay and does not mean we have less value. We can learn to ride these tides — rather than fighting against them, we experience tension and use this as a chance for evolution.
Cultivating Self-Compassion
One of these huge components is having self-compassion for all parts of ourselves. Practicing kindness with ourselves allows us to see past all the layers, and explore what lies beneath without judgment. And that includes allowing ourselves to feel all of our emotions without holding back any piece of who we are.
In the end, accepting all of our these layers is what makes life more real. It allows us to have profound emotional connections with others and helps root ourselves in our own humanity. Therefore, we should embrace the enigma that is humanity, celebrate our contradictions and wear our complexity like an armour. When we do that, not only are we showing up for ourselves in a huge way but also inviting others to the same table.