Stretches to help you move with greater ease in everyday life

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Written By Alando

Enhancing Everyday Movement: Stretching for Ease

Living as quickly paced a life of the one we do, anything done with more ease is beneficial for our quality in life. Stretching- One of the easiest and most effective ways is by stretching everyday. Stretching is an excellent way to improve flexibility, which can reduce your risk of injury and also decreases muscle tightness while improving posture.

The Benefits of Stretching

1. Increased Flexibility
Stretching lengthens the muscles so you are able to stretch your body farther in yoga, and also helps overall flexibility. During everyday tasks, or as the flare-ups of your elbow subside and you're able to return to physical activities this improved range allows for more comfortable movement throughout all activity.

2. Improved Posture
Why? When certain muscles are tight they can pull your body out of alignment, so regularly doing some long-term stretching is a good way to combat that. Practices such as heart-openers and backbends can be especially beneficial for rebalancing long hours spent in a seated position, not to mention the slumped C-shaped spine that comes hand-in-hand with computer work.

3. Stress Relief
Focusing on gentle stretching as part of your day… it helps so much to release stress. Stretching is a way of connecting to your body — it soothes the mind and helps you take yourself out from all the chaos in just one go. This enables you to pay attention to your breath and listen to the needs of your body.

4. Injury Prevention
Increasing flexibility and range of motion that can keep you from getting injured Stretching before physical activity is important for anyone who participates in sports or regular exercise, as warm muscles are less likely to be strained and torn.

Everyday Stretches for Comfort

These are great stretches that you can do in your daily life.

Neck Stretch
Gently stretch your head to the side by bringing ear down towards shoulder. Yes, hold for 15-30 seconds and turn around. Great for anyone who is always on a computer as the release in this stretch can be felt immediately to your neck.

Shoulder Rolls
Roll your shoulders forward and then backwards in a circle. Repeat for about 30 seconds. This move relieves tightness in your shoulders and upper back which can improve posture.

Seated Forward Bend
Sit with your legs reaching in front of you, bend to touch or aim for your toes. Hold for 15-30 seconds. It allows the hamstrings and lower back to lengthen, two areas that are often tight from sitting for long stretches of time.

Cat-Cow Stretch
On all fours; Perform cat by arching your back and cow downward with alternating movements. Repeat for 1-2 minutes. The exercise here stretches your back in a dynamic way, increases spinal mobility and reduces the tension around it.

Standing Quadriceps Stretch
Standing, holding the ankle and pulling towards glutes; Use a wall for support if necessary. This is a stretch for the quadriceps. It also increases range of motion in hips/legs as well since it's such an open position on the floor sidelying like that.


Having stretches built into your day, will allow you to move around more freely. Spend a few minutes each day doing these basic exercises, and you may find yourself feeling in more physical ease as well an overall greater sense of personal-well being. Remember, consistency is key! Your body will be very grateful!

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