Most popular types of Yoga

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Written By Alando

The Most Popular Types of Yoga

Yoga an ancient practice which includes combination of physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques, meditation and ethical principles. Yoga that has its roots in Indian philosophy is enjoying immense popularity worldwide. Students and teachers value it for its contribution to preventing physical illness, maintaining mental soundness, and increasing emotional balance. As yoga appears in so many guises, read about some of the most well-known various types of this exercise which you could consider practicing.

1. Hatha Yoga

An umbrella term, Hatha yoga consists of most forms of physical practice within the realm of Yoga. It emphasizes the most basic postures (asanas) and is perfect for those new to yoga. Given that hatha classes are committed to alignments and respiration, it is a good starting level for newbieindividuals.

2. Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Vinyasakrama-focusing on flowing of postures, where the movement is synchronized with breath. This style of yoga is generally faster-paced than Hatha and does give a good cardiovascular workout. Vinyasa classes change from one to the next, so each experience is totally new.

3. Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga: A fast-paced flow that follows a set series of postures flowing one by one for both beginners and advanced students. The task is physically challenging and requires a lot of strength. This is great for those who feel they want to further their yoga journey, and form a solid individual practice.

4. Bikram Yoga

As Bikram yoga is a series of 26 postures in a room heated to about 105°F (40°C). The higher temperatures help warm the muscles, enhance flexibility, and break a sweat to cleanse everything out. This class is great for the intermediate or advanced operator who wants to enjoy a high intensity workout in an encouraging place.

5. Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar yoga focuses alignment and precision, frequently utilizing props such as blocks for extended arms and struts or cushions to help perform complicated poses. For the most part, classes are slower paced and involve holding poses for longer periods of time. For those with an alignment focus in their practice or want to learn more about each pose, Iyengar yoga is a great place for them.

6. Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Ancient yoga Tradition developed by Yogi Bhajan emphasizes the awakening of kundalini energy that lies dormant at base spine using precise methods such as pranayamas, meditations & mantras . This kind of Yoga is meant to encourage spiritual growth and self-conscious which makes it suitable for those who take an interest in the more philosophical aspects of yoga.

7. Restorative Yoga

A gentle practice, restorative yoga relies heavily on props such as bolsters and blankets to support the body in relaxation. It centers around the nervous system and is meant to relieve stress. Deep relaxation and recovery in long held poses. Ideal for anyone who wants to rest and restore.

8. Yin Yoga

Yin yoga holds passive postures for extended periods, usually 3 to 5 minutes. This type of yoga aims at working on the connective tissues and fascia for better flexibility, joint health. It pairs nicely with other, more fast paced forms of yoga practice and gives you an opportunity to take a slower approach so that we can really tune-in.


No matter what your fitness level is or what you are looking to get out of yoga, there probably exists a style that will suit your needs. Different types of yoga impart different benefits — from greater strength or flexibility to mental serenity. Experiment with a few styles to see which one fits most naturally for you and use yoga as your way in the direction of overall health and mindful living.

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