Ever (Gasp) Left Class Before Savasana? You’re Not Alone. Here Are Your Reasons.

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Written By Alando

Have You Ever (Gasp) Exited Class Before Savasana? You’re Not Alone!

It’s a scenario many of us can relate to: you’ve made it through the rigorous stretches and poses of your yoga class, but when it comes time for the final relaxation, the temptation to sneak out is overwhelming. If you’ve ever found yourself quietly slipping out before savasana, take heart — you’re certainly not alone. Here, we explore some of the reasons why this common behavior occurs.

1. Time Constraints

Life is busy, and sometimes, a yoga class is just one of many things on our to-do list. The idea of squeezing in a few extra minutes for other obligations can lead to the decision to leave early. Whether it’s a work commitment or a family obligation, the thought of rushing off can outweigh the need for that final moment of tranquility.

2. Restlessness

For some, sitting still can be the most challenging part of yoga. After exerting so much energy, the idea of lying still for an extended period might feel counterproductive or even frustrating. If your mind is racing or your body feels restless, savasana can seem less inviting, prompting early exits.

3. Discomfort

Let’s face it; savasana is often a vulnerable position, both physically and emotionally. If you’re feeling discomfort or self-conscious, it might be easier to leave when the instructor starts guiding the class into relaxation.

4. Personal Preferences

We all have different preferences when it comes to our yoga practice. Some individuals might simply prefer dynamic movements and find it hard to appreciate the stillness of savasana. Leaving early can seem like a more appealing option for those who are more energized by active sequences.

5. Mental Overload

Yoga is not just a physical practice; it’s also a mental one. Sometimes, classes can bring up emotions or thoughts that can feel overwhelming. If you’re grappling with these feelings, exiting before the concluding moment might seem like a way to avoid processing what’s bubbling up.


Exiting class before savasana is a relatable experience for many yoga enthusiasts. Whether it’s time constraints or personal preferences, knowing that you’re not alone can help alleviate any guilt. Remember, yoga is a personal journey, and it’s essential to honor your body and mind where they are at any given moment. Next time you find yourself contemplating an early exit, consider the reasons behind it — there’s no right or wrong way to experience your practice.

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