Morning Digestive Boost: Embrace the Power of Twists

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Written By Alando

Do you need a little help with digestion when you are waking up in the morning? Twists are one of the best ways to help move things along!

Every day you will wake and have the opportunity to start anew, clean slate ahead for a productive future. But for many of us, morning is when things are a little slow moving and that includes digestion. If you are struggling to find the most effective ways your system up and running after a long night, rest assured that there are many others just like you. That’s why most, if not all of us are looking for easy and practical ways to improve our gut health in the morning.

Why Morning Digestion Matters

Because when we sleep, our bodies are in a state of repair and the digestive system needs to rest too! It is very important that this digestive process be turned on when we wake up so our body can better absorb all of the nutrients it needs to get from food throughtout the day. Giving your digestive system a gentle reminder of its priorities, starts the day off in an optimal direction.

The Benefits of Twists

Twists are a lovely, effective way to stimulate digestion in the morning. Twists, especially yoga twists like the Frisky in Fresno example at night before bed…. They are very effective and waking up doing an energizing upper back twist for a competent start to your day Mother earth did not disappoint! Twists help encourage movement through (massaging) the entire gastrointestinal tract which increases toxin elimination. They not only aid in digestion, but also help increase flexibility and release any tension stored along the spine.

Simple Twists You Can Try

Bellow are some simple twisting exercises you can add, as a routine in the morning.

  1. Seated Spinal Twist: Sit on the ground with your legs stretched out in front of you. Direct your right foot beside the outside of your left thigh and bend on that knee. Inhale, and then exhaling rotate right with your left elbow support[-ed the twist]. Repeat on other side and hold for few breaths
  2. Cat-Cow Stretch: At the initial stage from all fours. Breathe in as you arch the back (Cow), and out while rounding it (Cat). Flow back and forth between these two positions, lightly twisting to gaze towards your hip like in Cat pose as this starts to activate the spine and core.
  3. Supine Spinal Twist: Lying Down, Knees up to Chest Let your knees fall to one side and reach your arms out to the sides This not only elongates the spine but also massages abdominal organs to aid with digestion.

Final Thoughts

Introducing variations in your morning routine can be a beautiful thing to encourage better digestion. While you practice these basic exercises, keep in mind to take the time of day and breath deeply with each step. Another way to improve digestion with morning practice, your daily routine becomes consistent and ensures optimal health not only for the digestive system but also provides a broad approach towards mind-body balance as you begin each day. Therefore, if you wish to feel lighter and with more energy J incorporate some twists into your morning routine!

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