Get deeper into your poses and stretches with a best friend or yoga partner

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Written By Alando

Deepening Your Yoga Practice with a Partner

While practicing yoga alone provides an abundance of benefits, exploring it with your bestie or a dedicated partner in crime can take you to the next level on your path towards physical wellness and enlightenment. Here are some ways to take your poses and stretches deeper in the company of a friend.

The Power of Partner Yoga

Yoga practice is a very intimate thing and by practicing yoga with someone else you enter into new dimension of connection. Attempting poses that are near impossible to accomplish alone in partner yoga provides you with the opportunity for physical support and emotional bonding. It will help you to go deeper into stretches and establish better alignment by using the power of one another.

Increased Accountability

When you have a yoga buddy, they are going to keep you accountable for practicing. It is also another area where you can legitimately stand up for each other and keep yourself motivated by scheduling sessions together. The accountability written into programs or workshops can even motivate you to get on your mat or in the studio when it feels like too much effort.

Learning from Each Other

Every yogi has its own way, and practicing with a friend lets you exchange tricks fares. You can give each other form or alignment specific tips, encouragement during challenging postures and celebrate your progress. This sense of working together can enhance your journey into yoga.

Enhancing Communication

Yoga When You Try It as a Union- Herein, please find upgraded means of practicing the communication! With practice, you may find that this improves your non-verbal communication skills while in poses — helping to discern what another person's body is indicating and where their sense of touch originates. This ability serves us not only on the mat, but also in all our interactions every day.

Fun and Laughter

Yoga With A Friend – Making your yoga practice fun & engaging Laughter and shared adversities will make long-lasting beautiful moments that will strengthen your love bond. The casual environment makes even the murkiest of postures seem plausible.


If you want to hone your craft, get inspired or just have fun on the mat, teaming up can be a new source of excitement for what may sometimes feel like another workout. Next time you unroll your mat, maybe think about asking a friend to come with. You can have a broader experience in your yoga that you share, help each other grow and still enjoy the ride. Get Connected and Watch Your Practice Soar!

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