Try this yoga sequence to elongate, strengthen, stabilize, and balance the backs of your legs

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Written By Alando

Yoga Sequence for Stronger and Balanced Legs

Yoga, when incorporated into your regular routine brings with it a wealth of physical benefits. Indeed, even the back of the legs require extraordinary consideration. If you so happen to be one of the many that have this problem region in their abs, then check out my favorite yoga sequence with sensorimotor targeted work specifically designed help lengthen, strengthen and stabilize/balance all these muscles which contributes big time for a more well rounded physique.

Why Leg Strength and Flexibility makes the difference

To have a solid powerful body, being on the legs is key! The hamstrings and calves (muscles at the back of our legs) also perform a role in things like; walking, running or even just sitting. Ignoring it can cause imbalances, discomforts and a greater risk of injury.

Try This Yoga Sequence

1. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Start in a tabletop position with your hands and knees planted. Tile Your Toes Under And Lift Those Hips Up & Back Straightening Your Legs As Well arms Stay for a few breaths, aiming to stretch your hamstrings and calves.

2. Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

Start in Downward-Facing Dog, and walk your feet toward your hands until you find a point where it's comfortable to gently fold forward. If necessary, keep your knees bent and use gravity to pull down on the backs of your legs.

3. Second Warrior (Virabhadrasana II)

Step back with left foot and bend right knee directly above right ankle. Straight your useless and expansion the arms out to the edges within shoulder height. This spine twist serves to improve leg strength and balance. Switch sides.

4. Pigeon (Kapotasana, Eka Pada Rajakopatatasna)

Start in a tabletop position moving your right knee up so it reaches the outside of your wrist and kick out left leg behind you This posture opens the hips and gives a good stretch to legs. Stay for a few breaths then change the sides.

5. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

Sleep on the bottom with legs bent at your knees and ft hip-width aside. Push through your feet until your hips are lifted toward the sky. This will strengthen the posterior chains and improve the leg stability.

6. Paschimattonasana — Seated Forward Fold

Simple stretch with legs in front Take a deep inhale, and as you exhale fold at your hips to reach for your feet. This release helps lengthen and loose up your hamstring muscles.


Implementing this yoga sequence into your routine will provide a well rounded method of improving strength, stability and flexibility in the backs of your legs. With regular practice, you can enhance your overall physical skills and support long-term health. Begin the travels to a daily yoga practice and observe how soil choses in your body.

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