Embracing Authenticity as a Yoga Teacher
This is part one of Return to Yoga Sanity with your teachers Ellie, Francesca & Laura In the wonderful world of yoga there exists a solid truth: no matter what form you take or how you choose to spread… You are on an amazing journey as a yoga teacher, and that journey doesn't just affect you . But it also has a potential tip of the iceberg influence that you will inevitably be under fire (get ready). Navigating this judgement (which there will likely always be some all-around—I see you peaking) with grace and also the recognition of what resonates for YOU personally.
The Reality of Judgment
What usually happens is that people make up their minds following intuition, experience or even hope. As a yoga teacher, this shows up in so many areas — from the way you to teach classes and what kinds of offerings you put out there, but even just how you choose how to live your life. The truth is, you cannot control what people think of or about you. If someone judges you that is beyond your control.
Embrace Your Unique Path
The great thing about yoga is that there are so many different styles. From vinyasa to rajas to restorative practices,each style will call out someone. Therefore, it is important for the teacher to step into their unique teaching style. Maybe you like a more vigorous and tough flow, or possibly you prefer slow meditative ones. Whatever that looks like for you, it excels your genuine connection with students.
Focus on Your Values
Reflect on Your Own Core Values and Beliefs What motivates you to teach? What different experiences have come along in your path? It enables you to stay rooted despite external opinions. ”Its easier to block out the negative voices and remain focused on what is truly important (your students health, your own development etc) when you are very clear about why YOU showed up.
Build a Supportive Community
Be around other teachers and students who support you A supportive community can give a lift and save you from losing your identity. Talk about what you are going through — the good, bad and ugly. The feeling of connection can act as a solidarity that says someone else out there gets the struggles you go though being an effective teacher.
Lead by Example
You are the model for your students, as a yoga teacher. Allow your inner you to allow those around yourself and others too simply be. Showing that it takes a lengthy and faltering journey will enable the fostering of relatable or relevant to students among your classes. As your students see you as human not some ideal that is unattainable they will feel empowered to try and explore their own humanness.
Courage in Being Vulnerable
Vulnerability frequently accompanies authenticity. It is okay to feel inability in your teaching style, personal emotions or trying to do it all. Let students know you… humanize yourself make your classrooms more welcome and present. Having an emotional connection can also help to improve feeling throughout your classes by creating that bond and trust in those following along with you.
Awareness that it will be part of the process as a yoga teacher Do not let it kill your passion but rather use it to keep you grounded in who you are. Own your game, develop your core values and find people who want to grow along with you. Always listen to your own voice, even if it needs a powerful thunderstorm. Authenticity — We experience an authentic connection with you, we and students will feel uplifted to be authentic. Walk onto the mat and know that you are in charge here, take control, lead with confidence and DO YOU!!