You Can Do These 7 Easy Yoga Poses Without Leaving Your Chair

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Written By Alando

Enjoy Yoga Anywhere: 7 Simple Poses You Can Do in Your Chair

Today, wellness is something that many of us struggle to find time for in our fast-paced lives. The good thing is, focusing on yoga in your everyday practice does not need to be hard or tedious Yoga is everywhere, and it can be even in your chair! These simple positions can help you feel well, whether in the office or at home — even while on-the-move! These seven chair yoga poses are just some of the ways you can increase your flexibility, reduce stress and promote relaxation — all while remaining flat on your feet.

1. Seated Cat-Cow Stretch

Sitting up straight in your chair. Take a nice deep inhale and arch the back, lift your chest Cow Pose Exhale round through the spine tuck your chin cat pose. Do this for one minute, after which you shall feel significantly less tension in your back.

2. Neck Rolls

Slowly bend your head to one side, bringing ear toward the shoulder. Roll your head slowly forward then the other side Continue this movement across several repetitions, violently reversing direction about halfway. By doing this, it will help reduce neck stiffness from long sitting hours.

3. Seated Forward Bend

Once you get seated, breathe in and lift your arms. Exhale, hinging at the hips, reaching toward your feet or to touch the floor and let your head hang heavy. Hold this stretch for a few breaths, while relaxing your shoulders.

4. Seated Torso Twist

Sit tall and reach your right hand towards the back of your chair. As you inhale lengthen your spine and as you exhale twist from the torso towards right, use the left hand to catch hold of your right knee for support. Stay here for a few breaths then perform the same poses on the other side.

5. Ankle Rolls

Sit down, and pick your foot up to gently rotate it in a circle. Do this for about 30 seconds, and then change to the other foot. Possible benefits of this pose includes: promoting circulation, and counteracting any stiffness or achyness that might arise from extended sitting.

6. Arm and Shoulder Stretch

Cross your right arm over the other, and bring it closer to your chest with help from the left hand. Pause for a few breaths to elongate the shoulder Switch arms and repeat. Releasing some of the tension that can build up in your upper body

7. Seated Mountain Pose

Now, Lean back in your chair and put both feet flat on the floor. Bend knees or stretch out arms overhead, palms in prayer pose. Inhale deeply several times, feeling more present in your body. It is both grounding and a Mindfulness practice through movement.


If you practice each of them daily, integrating these basic seated yoga poses can do wonders for your overall health. They require no more than a desk, and can be done on breaks or even at home while watching TV. As you know by now, the most important thing about yoga is to do it regularly (the good old regular rhythm as they always say) so at least take a few minutes everyday and stretch your bones out guys! Meet you where you are at with the comfort and practicality of chair yoga—experience exercise from your seat!

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