How Yoga Can Help Boost Your Immune System

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Written By Alando

How Yoga Can Enhance Your Immune System

Now, more than ever as we move along quickly through life having a strong immune system matters the most. As we continue to be challenged by endless exposures to all forms of stressors, pollution and illness out there strengthen our body´s natural defenses. A language used by many, Yoga with its empowerment is providing joy in life for those who practice it. Yoga, the ancient discipline not only helps in being fit physically but also work wonders on our immune system.

An Insight Into Yoga and Immune System

Did you know that Yoga is not only a range of asanas done in sequences; yoga allows for integration between the body, mind and spirit? An important reason for this is that stress and anxiety impair the immune response. Yoga is a good way to reduce stress and this contributes significantly in strengthening the immunity of humans.

Stress Reduction

Yoga utilizes controlled breathing, mindfulness, and meditation to promote relaxation. When you do this, it triggers the relaxation signal in your body which results in lower cortisol levels (the stress hormone). An imbalance in the stress hormone cortisol may create high inflammation levels, and a well-modulated immune system is healthier which can fight pathogens off.

Increased Circulation

Blood circulation improves when you perform yoga and that is important for the immune system. Better blood circulation means that immune cells and antibodies are effectively spread through the body to respond rapidly enough to infections or injuries. Yogic postures (asanas) can also encourage lymph flow—the vessels that direct the movement of stored waste products such as toxins and immune supporting cells.

Enhanced Respiratory Function

Pranayama or breath control is an essential yoga practice. Different breathing techniques can help people to improve their lung strength and the state of respiratory functions in general. The respiratory immune system is important in mounting an effective response against airway pathogens and requires a well-functioning respiratory system.

Mind-Body Connection

The connection between the body and mind are taught in yoga by practice. They [emotional resiliency] are fostered by encouraging awareness and positive thinking for the practitioner. To top it off, a more resilient mindset will help support the immune system , and makes you less stressed sick.

Easy Yoga Asanas for Immunity Boost

1. Child’s Pose (Balasana)
This restorative posture is calming and aids in tension relief. The exercise helps to gently stretch the spine, providing relaxation and lowering your stress.

2. Balasana followed by Adho Muka Svanauçasana
It enhances blood flow to the head, and energizes you. It also stretces the back and helps to boost your immune system.

3. Marjaryasana-Bitilasana (Cat-Cow Stretch)
This series of movements mobilizes the spine and improves its flexibility, as the rhythmic wave-like movement can help to alleviate stiffness and improve circulation.

4. Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose)
This asana is a restorative pose and promotes relaxation in addition to relieving tiredness. It also helps in venous return which improves the flow of blood.


Yoga, when practiced daily can do wonders to both your physical as well psychological health. Yoga also benefits the immune system by reducing stress, improving circulation and deepening our connection between body and mind. Use this or any other asana practice to lead you along your yoga path — every step brings greater health & wellness. Embrace that process and let it fueled your health.

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