Yin Yoga for the New Year: Intention Setting
With the turn of a new year typically comes an inclination for reflection, renewal and goal-setting And, what better way to welcome in this new beginning than with an intention-setting Yin yoga practice? The slow practice of yin yoga allows us to stretch into the connective tissues, and settle deeper in our being for profound rest so that we can find ourselves making resolutions that are meaningful.
The Essence of Yin Yoga
Unlike dynamic forms of yoga, yin is significantly different. Yin Yoga is a slow-paced style where restful postures are performed on the ground to stretch muscles as well as ligaments and tendons which helps improve joint mobility. We hold postures for a longer period which allows the space in your body and mind to increase, giving rise to calmness as well tolerance. The coolest part about getting quiet is that when you are able to filter out all the BS, it becomes infinitely easier for you to set intentions right from your core.
Preparing for Your Practice
Create a calming environment before you start your Yin yoga session by:
- A Quiet Place: Make sure to choose a place where you can be at peace.
- Collect Props : Grab a blanket, bolsters and blocks to help support the body in forms with ease.
- Set the Mood: Light some candles, lower your lights or play nice soothing music in order to improve what you are feeling.
Practice to Set Your Intentions
SITTING ON YOUR MAT, ALLOW YOUR EYES TO CLOSE AND CONNECT WITH THE BREATH. Let every inhale absorb positivity & mental alertness and release negativity through your exhales. Here is a very simple sequence to go through while setting your intention in Yin yoga:
1. Child's Pose (Balasana)
Hold for 3-5 minutes. This is a pose of reflection and ease. Just concentrate on your breath, release all the stress.
2. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana
Hold this position for 3–5 minutes. As you bend over, picture the past year leaving as well and in turn being open to what MIGHT come.
3. This particular restorative yoga pose is backed Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)
Hold for 3-5 minutes. OPTION 3 — Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog) : This is a heart opening backbend practice which brings in thankfulness carnations. Set Intentions – Reflect Of Course And What You Are Grateful For.
4. Half Butterfly Pose (Ardha Badda Konasana)
Hold (set a timer for 3 – 5 minutes per side) This is a great pose for increasing your flexibility, as well as helping taking you close to the bottom-most part of this article. Set an intention on both sides to bloom within you.
5. Step 5 : Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana) Step-by-Step Instructions
Relax here for 5-7 minutes. Repeat your intentions, silently or out loud while resting with the intention of creating a deep resonance within you.
Concluding Your Practice
Close your session by sitting for a few minutes and feeling into your experience. If so, what have you learned about your respective intentions? Write them in a journal or create a vision board so you have constant reminders of your intentions throughout the year.
Intention setting is the perfect way to launch forward into this year and all those that come afterward, it empowers you with a clear pathway on your soul journey. Through everything you do in the coming months, be guided by your intentions — living intentionally will lead to growth and evolution with empowerment throughout every area of life.