This 5-Minute Yoga Flow Is a Quick Way to Slow Down

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Written By Alando

The At-Home 5-Minute Yoga Flow to Mellow You Out in Minutes

In our busy lives, it can be difficult to find a minute to slow down and relax. But you can find an escape from daily stress with a quick, five-minute yoga flow. This easy routine is made to help you relax and get a more profound breath, making it the perfect option for beginners as well. Thence.

Why Five Minutes?

And as effective as longer yoga sessions can be, grounding in five minutes has its own special benefits, too. This has been a short refresh as it does not take much time to be present and mindful. A quick and doable flow for those with a tight schedule: practice this simple routine in the comfort of your home (or at your desk, or on the floor while taking a break from studying).

The Flow

1. Starting   : Mountain (Tadasana)

Now step tall — stand feet together, shoulders down and arms relaxed at sides.
Inhale, raise your arms up with palms facing each other.

2. Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

Inhale and hinge out of your hips, folding forwards. Allow yourself to weigh your head forward, you can bend the knees a little bit if necessary for release.

3. Ardha Uttanasana, Halfway Lift

Inhale, come halfway up with your back parallel to the ground and hands on your shins or thighs. Maintain a straight spine and look slightly up.

4. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog pose)

Bring the right foot back with an exhale to the plank position. Lift your hips high to move into a downward dog shape. Take a deep breath in this place.

5. Child's Pose (Balasana)

Gradually set your knees to the mat, sit again in your heels and prolong you arms ahead till our brow rests on the ground. Take a few full relaxing breaths.


Allows yourself just five minutes for this calming and opening yoga flow to help settle your spirit in order support well-being. Adopt this practice into your daily life and you may notice that it helps to keep stress at bay, while helping maintain balance through the day. You can follow this flow in the morning to start your day, or in the evening if you prefer — either way we hope you enjoy moving mindfully.

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