Yoga traces its roots back thousands of years to ancient writings found in India and elsewhere, but today yoga is practiced around the world. One way to truly understand and integrate yoga into your life is by gathering a deeper understanding of the terms embedded within it, with many being from Sanskrit. So read up on these 40 key yoga words and terms so that you can make it through the class without looking too out of place!
1. Asana
The different positions or postures in yoga practice.
2. Pranayama
Fundamentals of breath control, which is important for improving health and mental well-being.
3. Namaste
A respectful greeting that means “the God( or divine light) in me salutes the god/ religion The gloriousness/ diary either realised already in you.
4. Mudra
Used in yoga and meditation, a hand gesture to channel the energy
5. Chakra
The source of our being, a place within the energy centers in the body that align with various physical emotional and spiritual aspects.
6. Dharma
Cosmic order, theory of life mission
7. Karma
It is the principle that states what a man sows he reaps (what you do to others will be done unto you)If I may clarify this thought in another words , it's more of "in whatever cause their shall always be an effect".
8. Sutra
A brief statement or aphorism (such as one included in another word) that reflects principles of yoga.swagger, vagarious.
9. Shanti
Here we have the tired theme of peace — that one word that always follows a yoga class.
10. Brahman
Paramatman: The Highest Self, or the Great Cosmic Spirit (the object which is often meditated on during meditation);
11. Samsara
Rebirth: Another Death, And Life In The Spiritual World
12. Moksha
The spiritual liberation from the cycle of Samsara.
13. Guru
A teacher or spiritual guide in yoga journey
14. Sadhana
An established meditative/yoga/ritual practice
15. Bhakti
The act of devotion, so often expressed in love and worship.
16. Ahimsa
Non-violence in thoughts, words and deeds.
17. Svadhyaya
Study or contemplation of spiritual texts, sometimes on an ethical question.
18. Tadasana
Mountain PoseTip: Try this pose if you have trouble balancing.
19. Vinyasa
Sequences of flowing breath synchronized movements.
20. Ujjayi
One of the breathing techniques, making this calming sounds was one houses in practice.
Service to others that covers the interest of those served, usually in a community-based setting.
Knowledge of such terms help you connect to yoga and allows you to progress further in your practice. Remember that yoga is individual, so the more you play with these words on a philosophical level — as well as get to know what personally resonates and applies in your own life (on or off the mat) by using them –the deeper your experience will be.