12 Easy Yoga Poses You Can Do in Your Bed
You do not always need a yoga mat or set studio to practice. The truth is, you can actually practice yoga from the comfort of your bed! Use these simply poses to improve flexibilityand decrease stress whether you're getting started with your day or winding down at night. 12 Simple Yoga Postures That You Can Do While On Bed
1. Cat-Cow Stretch
Begin seated with your hands on your knees. Exhale, round spine as you tuck tailbone and head under (Cat); Inhale arch back to look up and let belly sink down. Exhale to round your spine tuckingyour chin to chest (Cat). Do the above sequence to heat up your back a few times.
2. Seated Forward Bend
Begin seated with legs extended in front of you, inhale and reach arms overhead. Exhale as you hinge at your hips and fold forward toward or over fingertips. This asana helps in stretching the spine and hamstrings.
3. Supine Twist
Lie on your back, bend knees to chest and drop them over towards one side keeping shoulders flat. And then this easy twist to help digestion and stretch out your back.
4. Child's Pose
Kneeling on the bed, sit back to your heels and stretch arms forward lengthening your forehead onto mattress. This position allows for deep relaxation that helps reduce stress
5. Legs Up the Wall
Lay on your back with your legs elevated directly against the headboard or wall. This pose can also be restorative, helping with fatigue after a long day and improving circulation.
6. Bridge Pose
Lie on your back and place both feet flat, hip-width apart. Push your heels up to the ceiling while keeping unmoved and stretch out your chest. This flexion will take you upto your maximum back bend and this is very beautiful for heart opening.
7. Happy Baby Pose
On your back, knees bent with hands on the outsides of your feet. Bring your knees towards the armpits and allow them to open up apart, keeping head on bed. It helps relieve tension in the low back and hip flexors.
8. Reclined Bound Angle Pose
Lie on back with soles of feet together and knees falling out to sides This posture opens the hip and invokes relaxation.
9. Corpse Pose
Finish your practice with the Corpse Pose by lying on flat back, arms at sides and palms facing up. Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Focus on you in this moment, right now just for a few seconds or minutes if possible. This posture calls… for complete relaxation and retrospection.
10. Seated Side Bend
Cross-legged, right arm lifted. Slowly tilt left, feeling the right side of your body stretch. Switch sides and repeat. Extends the sides of the body and stretch.
11. Knee-to-Chest Pose
Lying on back, pull one knee to chest while extending the other hip and leg flat onto bed. Repeat on other side, holding for a few breaths. This is a must do yoga move that helps to relieve stress within the lower back and hips.
12. Breath Awareness
End your sequence by sitting or laying down and paying attention to your breath. Take a deep breath in through your nose and slowly exhale out of the mouth This practice grounds your being and helps you be more present
By practicing some simple yoga poses as you go to sleep, it will not only help with relaxation but can improve flexibility, and provide a sense of well-being — all from the convenience of your own bed. Therefore, the next time you wake up or get ready for sleep at night, try paths a few gentle stretch movements. Your Body and Mind will Appreciate it!